As a way of saying thank you to the thousands of Hyndburn folk who regularly compost their garden waste, Hyndburn Council and Lancashire County Council are once again giving away 10 tonnes of compost on a first come, first served basis so why not give your plants a little extra treat by helping yourself to some free compost from our Big Heap.

All you have to do is bring along your own bags, maximum of three per household, to the Council’s vehicle compound on Ranger Street opposite Willows Lane on Wednesday 1st August between 10am and 2pm, where staff will be on hand to help you fill them up.
Leader of the Council, Cllr Miles Parkinson said; “Last year our residents composted an amazing amount, over 2300 tonnes, that’s equivalent to 9.5% of our total household waste or the weight of nearly 100 bin wagon loads. The Big Heap giveaway is a fabulous chance to reward them for their efforts and show they are much appreciated.”
Cabinet Member for Recycling and Deputy Leader of the Council, Cllr Munsif Dad, added; “Here in Hyndburn we encourage both home composting and the kerbside collection of garden waste in the green bins. If it’s buried in a landfill site garden waste produces methane, a greenhouse gas, so it’s vital that we compost as much of it as possible. Using compost made from garden waste also helps to preserve natural wetland environments because it replaces peat for many uses in the garden”.