Sunday 23 February 2014

Lancashire Break Time Survey

A new survey has been launched this week to help gain some insight into to needs of Parent Carers in the Lancashire Area.  This Lancashire Break Time (LBT) survey has been put together by parents for parent. We are interested in your opinions on 'short breaks'. These are an arrangement by which the primary unpaid carer of a child with a disability is given a break from their caring role. This is usually for a period of at least 2 hours during evenings, weekend or school holidays.

Lian Pate, Lancashire Break Time Burnley Representative, said "Please could you forward this information to your members, networks or people that you come into contact with that have a disabled child? The questionnaire is for any Parent Carers within the Lancashire County Council area,If you have a disabled child under the age of 18 then this survey is for you, and your opinion matters" 

Hyndburn Councillor, Paul Cox, added "it's important that this group gets the feed back of this valued section of the community, but more so has been produced by Parents FOR Parents. Please take a few minutes to look or pass on to those you may feel could benefit" 

Please feel free to distribute this questionnaire to any one you feel relevant. The questionnaire deadline is Friday 28th February 2014.

Please see the link for the Lancashire Break Time Survey below

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