Sunday 22 June 2014

Letter outlining concerns on taxi licensing

Altham Councillor Chris Fisher, new Chair of the Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee, has written this public letter regarding taxi licensing:

"I write to you with deep concerns over proposed free market, free for all relaxation of taxi regulations by the government in the De-Regulation bill.

I think I can speak for all Labour councillors at Hyndburn Council on this subject, particularly those that have sat on a taxi licensing committee.  We are all appalled by how this bill is being rushed through with little consultation and how it will further frustrate our limited enforcement powers.

It is clear the Conservative MPs in Westminster who proposed these points in the bill have no idea about private hire taxis outside London and the implications to public safety in places like Hyndburn.

The changes will mean that if you book a ride from your chosen trusted firm in Hyndburn, you might find a Blackburn, Burnley or even Leeds registered private hire vehicle pulling up to your door.  Paying passengers will be totally unaware of the difference and crucially that other councils who license these private hire vehicles have far lower standards for driver licensing and vehicle condition.

It could even be a fake taxi driven by a criminal or sex offender.  Some councils have no limit on the age and mileage of the private hire vehicle, requiring only limited checks on its condition.

The crucial point the public must be made aware of is that Hyndburn enforcement officers are not legally allowed to pull over a vehicle and check they are legitimate and safe, regardless of their condition or who the driver is.

Any issues arising while using a vehicle from another area will need to be directed to the Licensing Authority – in plain English, the Council where the vehicle was licensed.  That council could be a poor or failing council.

Clearly this is going to lead to confusion, misinformation and could be potentially dangerous to the travelling public.

All licensing authorities have a statutory duty to act in the interests of public safety through enforcement activity.  Checking vehicles for road worthiness and vetting the drivers – but only their own vehicles.

The Government’s rushed and out of touch approach appears bizarre as they have asked the Law Commission to report on the matter.  It would appear the Government are pushing through a piece of ill thought out, free market reform just before a general election."

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