Tuesday 25 August 2015

HBC: Your vote matters - make sure you're in

Letters from the Council are currently being delivered to every household in the borough to ensure that details are correct for who lives at each address and who is eligible to vote. It ensures that everyone has the right to vote at local and General Elections, plus it may help to improve your credit rating.

The form should be completed and sent back to HBC (postage is free) or alternatively you can fill in the form online at:


The form is NOT a registration document but will enable to Council to send out separate individual voter registration forms to those who still need to register. Those who are eligible to vote can also register online at:


It is important to provide the information requested as you could be fined £1,000. If you prefer, you can also provide the information over the phone by calling Karina Bilham on 01254 380132.

For more details on the electoral registration system please visit:



  1. Just moved house and cannot make changes to the online form. Useless.

  2. Makes great play on doing everything online but just moved and cannot make changes online. Useless.

  3. You can simply phone the Council directly and request changes, as is stated in the article.


